Periodontists In Phoenix AZ Are Specialists Who Treat Gum Disease From Mild Gingivitis To Advance …

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They also provide education on proper oral hygiene practices, and help patients prevent the onset of periodontal disease by teaching them how to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Gingivitis and other early stages of gum disease can be prevented by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and having regular teeth cleanings. During these procedures, your hygienist removes calculus (hardened plaque) and other debris that can lead to gingivitis or periodontitis and damage the tooth’s root.

In some cases, your hygienist may recommend scaling and root planing (SRP), a more extensive procedure that removes plaque, tartar and bacteria below the gum line. This helps your hygienist remove harmful bacteria from areas that are difficult to reach with your toothbrush.

Scaling and root planing is performed in a series of appointments to ensure the bacteria and plaque are removed from all areas where it can cause a problem. If your hygienist notices that the area has become inflamed, she can prescribe an antibiotic to alleviate your symptoms.

Pocket depth reduction Phoenix and bone grafting are also common procedures that your hygienist may recommend to prevent the development of periodontal disease. These procedures involve making incisions along the gum line to separate the gums from the teeth, temporarily allowing your hygienist access to the root of your tooth and nearby bone.

Gum recession is another issue that may develop when periodontal disease progresses.The resulting receding gums can make your teeth appear longer, expose the roots and contribute to increased sensitivity 480-696-5928 and bleeding. If left untreated, this condition can eventually lead to the loss of teeth, exposing your entire smile and the surrounding gums.

Your general dentist or hygienist can diagnose periodontal disease by examining your teeth, gums, and other aspects of your bite.They can also determine the level of risk you have for developing periodontal disease and suggest implanted dentures treatment options.

If you have a recurring issue with your gums or teeth that has not responded to home care or preventive measures, it is time to schedule an appointment with one of our periodontists at Implant and Periodontal


Center of Arizona in Scottsdale. During this consultation, your periodontist will assess the health of your gums, evaluate your tooth roots and determine the best course of treatment.

Loose and shifting teeth are United States of America a warning sign of periodontal disease. The shifting and separating of teeth can be caused by a buildup of calculus, bacterial infections and inflammation in the area.

In severe situations, your hygienist can refer you to a periodontist to treat the root and bone of your affected teeth.These treatments can stop the progression of gum disease, 85053 reshape your smile, and decrease the depth of pockets that can form between your teeth and the surrounding gum tissues.

Depending on the extent of your periodontal disease, your periodontist may also offer other non-surgical alternatives to prevent further infection and preserve your natural tooth. These non-surgical alternatives include LANAP laser treatment, which uses high-powered lasers to destroy bacteria in deep pockets that cause gum disease

Periodontists In Phoenix AZ Are Specialists Who Treat Gum Disease From Mild Gingivitis To Advance ...

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